Sunday, January 19, 2014

Building The Controller Board

So, my buttons, jamma board, joystick and wire harness came in: time to make something cool! The wiring diagram turned out to be incorrect. It was perfectly inverse to what it should have been.

What I was told (Lies and deceit)
The real button layout

Time to get wiring! Follow here for details on how to make your arcade controller board and configure it to the Pi.
I followed this great tutorial and built myself a testing arcade board made out of cardboard and duct tape.
Controller board- alpha
Controller board- beta
My professional wiring job
MDF board cut, drilled and applied first coat of paint.
My completed controller board

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for mapping out the controller board properly, James. I'm pretty sure this would've been the rut of the project for me if you hadn't.
